Curriculum vitae
Name: Philipp S. Zanko
Born: May 1972, Kazan, Russia
Affiliation: UAB FabricAir (Alytus, Lithuania)
Education and Current Position
IX/1989-II/1995 - Full-Time Student, Kazan State Technical University
1995-1998 - Post-Graduate Student, Kazan State Technical University
1998-2001 - Research Assistant, Kazan State Technical University
2000 - PhD degree in Fluid Mechanics ("Non-Stationary Processes in a Reattaching Separated Flow behind a Backward-Facing Step")
2001-2015 - Senior Research Assistant, Power Engineering Research Centre (Kazan Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences)
2015-2018 - Lecturer, Department of Theoretical Physics and Heat Engineering, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus
2018-Present - Mechanical Engineer, UAB FabricAir, Alytus, Lithuania
Honours and Grants
2020 - Dr.Zanko was responsible for all scientific input of FabricAir to the report for grant No.J05-LVPA-K-04-0059 "Research and Prototyping for the Development of a Silent Ventilation Diffuser with UltraKPS Technology". This research project was funded by European Regional Development Fund according to the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania (No.J05-LVPA-K "Intellect. Joint Science-Business Projects"). The project was realized in cooperation with Kaunas University of Technology.
2006-2008 - a research grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (06-08-00521-a)
2005 - the Prize of the RAO "UES of Russia" and the Russian Academy of Sciences for a scientific study on power engineering "New Generation" (for young scientists).
Name of the work: Energy-Saving Technology of Heavy Oil Storage and Heating in Thermoelectric Power Stations and Boiler-Houses. 
2003 - winner of the VI All-Russian Conference of Students and Post-Graduate Students "Students and Post-Graduate Students for Small-Scale Science Intensive Business" (Polzunov Grants) 
2001, 2002 - grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research for young scientists (01-02-06212-mas, 02-02-06144-mas)
1995 - a diploma for participating in the Student Scientific Conference of Universities of the Tatarstan Republic 
Other Information
In FabricAir Dr.Zanko took part in developing of the following projects: FabricAir® Defrost Duct™, FabricAir® Varioduct™, internal 360ยบ hoops. Also he made field measurements of ventilation parameters by request of a customer in a frozen food factory in Marijampole (Lithuania) and in a laundry in Bydgoszcz (Poland).
ASME Member (ID 8237190) 
Scientific interests of the author are connected with study of complex turbulent flows and new methods of experimental data processing. The author published more than 50 papers.
In 2000/2001 Dr.Zanko was a lecturer in Kazan State Technical University (Heat Exchange Theory, Thermodynamics, Hydrodynamics).
The author was a reviewer in the VINITI Review Journal (VINITI - All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in 2001-2007.
Dr.Zanko is a member of the scientific school of Academician V.E.Alemasov (1923-2006). He took part in investigations supported by grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (96-02-16834-a, 97-02-16039-a, 00-02-16409-a, 02-02-16719-a, 03-02-16867-a, 03-02-96256-r2003tatarstan_a, 05-02-16263-a, 07-08-00330-a, 08-08-12181-ofi, 09-08-00597-a, 10-08-00426-a, 10-08-00428-a, 13-08-00359-a, 13-08-00504-a, 13-08-97050-r_povolzhje_a, 13-08-97063-r_povolzhje_a), other Russian federal programs and contracts.
International Refereed Journals
- Miheev N.I., Molochnikov V.M., Kratirov D.V., Hayrnasov K.R., Zanko P.S. Hot-Wire Measurements with Automatic Compensation of Ambient Temperature Changes // Thermal Science.- 2015.- Vol.19.- No.2.- P.509-520.

- Davletshin I.A., Miheev N.I., Zanko P.S. Visualization of Separated Pulsating Flow in a Channel // Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing.- 2011.- Vol.18.- No.4.- Pp.329-340 (available upon request).
- Mikheev N.I., Molochnikov V.M., Zanko P.S., Hayrnasov K.R., Kratirov D.V. Hot-Wire Velocity Measurements without Calibration // Heat Transfer Research.- 2011.- Vol.42.- No.7.- Pp.645-654 (available upon request).
International Conferences
- Zanko P.S. On universal heat transfer relationship for hot-wire data / Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium On Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer THMT-15, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 15-18, 2015.- P.207-210 (available upon request).
- Zanko P.S., Mikheev N.I. On cataloguing of incompressible flat-plate boundary layers / 7th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, University of Palermo, Italy, September 24-27, 2012.- P.125-128 (available upon request).
- Zanko P.S., Pollard A., Miheev N.I. Unsteady Phenomena in Separated and Reattaching Flows: from Statistical Characteristics to Instantaneous Space-Time Fields / 15th International Symposium on Flow Visualization ISFV15. Book of Abstracts, Minsk, Belarus, June 25-28, 2012.- P.219.
, abstract (printed version)
, full-text paper
, presentation
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- Davletshin I.A., Miheev N.I., Zanko P.S. Visualization of Separated Pulsating Flow in Channel / Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Moscow, Russia, August 21-25, 2011 (available upon request).
- Miheev N.I., Molochnikov V.M., Davletshin I.A., and Zanko P.S. Experimental Investigation of Interaction of Hydrodynamic and Heat Parameters in Turbulent Separated Flows / Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Antalya, Turkey, 12-17 October, 2003.- P.269-276 (available upon request).
- Zanko P.S., Miheev N.I. Transport of Skin Friction Pulsations in a Turbulent Separated Flow Behind a Backward-Facing Step / Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Antalya, Turkey, 12-17 October, 2003.- P.213-218 (available upon request).
- Kozlov A.P., Mikheyev N.I., Molochnikov V.M., Stinsky G.V., Zanko P.S. Interaction of hydrodynamic and heat processes in turbulent separated flows / Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2002). November 17-22, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.- No.2-18-8-2.- 7 pp. (available upon request)
- Alemasov V.E., Kozlov A.P., Mikheev N.I. and Zanko P.S. Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Flow Space-Time Fields with Coherent Structures / Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Brussels, June 2-6, 1997. Vol. 3. - P.1329-1338 (available upon request).
Contents (in Russian)