Избранная библиография работ по термоанемометрии
Никто не обнимет необъятного (Козьма Прутков).

Основоположник термоанемометрии - профессор Л.В.Кинг
в университете Макджилл, Канада (ок.1920 г.)
Общее число работ, связанных с термоанемометрическими измерениями, очень велико.
Библиография, составленная Фреймутом [Freymuth, 1978, 1982], охватывала период вплоть до 1980 г. и насчитывала свыше 1600 статей [Freymuth, 1983]. Поэтому здесь собраны избранные работы по термоанемометрии, а именно: монографии и обзоры общего характера, а также статьи, охватывающие следующие темы -
Библиография не претедует на полноту и отражает личные предпочтения автора.
- Freymuth P. A Bibliography on Thermal Anemometry // TSI Quartely.- No.4.- 1978.
- Vukoslavcevic P.V., Petrovic D.V. Multiple Hot-Wire Probes: Measurements of Turbulent Velocity and Vorticity Vector Fields. Podgorica: Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2000.- 194 p.
Козлов А.П., Михеев Н.И., Молочников В.М., Сайкин А.К. Термоанемометрические измерения поверхностного трения в отрывных течениях. Казань: Издательство "АБАК", 1998.- 134 с.

Bruun H.H. Hot-Wire Anemometry: Principles and Signal Analysis. Oxford, New York, Tokyo: Oxford University Press, 1995.- 507 p.
Lomas C.G. Fundamentals of the Hot-Wire Anemometry. Cambridge University Press, 1986.- 211 p.
Smol'yakov A.V., Tkachenko V.M. The Measurement of Turbulent Fluctuations: An Introduction to Hot-Wire Anemometry and Related Transducers. Springer, 1983.- 298 p.
Perry A.E. Hot-Wire Anemometry. Clarendon Press, 1982.- 184 p.
Boetcher S.K.S. Natural Convection from Circular Cylinders // SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology.- 2014.- P.3-22.
Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics (edited by Tropea C., Yarin A.L., Foss J.F.). Springer, 2007.- 1557 p.
Jensen K.D. Flow Measurements // J. of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. Sci. and Eng.- 2004.- Vol.26.- No.4.- Pp.400-419.

Innovation in Thermal Anemometry.- TSI.- 2004.- 48 p.

Jørgensen F.E. How to Measure Turbulence with Hot-Wire Anemometers - a Practical Guide / Dantec Dynamics.- 2002.- 73 p.

van Dijk A. Aliasing in One-Point Turbulence Measurements. Theory, DNS and Hotwire Experiments / PhD Thesis.- Technische Universiteit Delft, 1999.- P.31-38.

Comte-Bellot G. Hot-Wire Anemometry / The Handbook of Fluid Dynamics (edited by R.W.Johnson).- CRC Press, 1998.- 29 p.
Fingerson L.M., Freymuth P. Thermal Anemometers / Fluid Mechanics Measurements (edited by R.J.Goldstein).- Taylor and Francis, 1996.- P.115-173.
Lekakis I. Calibration and Signal Interpretation for Single and Multiple Hot-Wire/Hot-Film Probes // Meas. Sci. Technol.- 1996.- Vol.7.- P.1313-1333.
Stainback P.C., Nagabushana K. Review of Hot-Wire Anemometry Techniques and the Range of their Applicability for Various Flows // Electronic Journal of Fluid Engineering, Transaсtion of the ASME.- 1996.- Vol.7.- 54 pp.

Tsinober A. Hot Wire Anemometry (An Overview in Turbulence Research - Present and Future) / Turbulence: A Tentative Dictionary (edited by P.Tabeling and O.Cardoso).- New York: Plenum Press, 1995.- P.31-38.
Fingerson L.M. Thermal Anemometry, Current State, and Future Directions // Rev. Sci. Instrum.- 1994.- Vol.65.- P.285-300.
Antonia R.A. Direct Numerical Simulations and Hot Wire Experiments: A Possible Way Ahead? / New Approaches and Concepts in Turbulence (Eds. T.Dracos, A.Tsinober).- 1993.- Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser.- P.349-365.
Freymuth P. History of Thermal Anemometry / Handbook of Fluids in Motion (edited by N.P.Cheremisinoff and R.Gupta).- Ann Arbor Science, 1983.- Pp.79-91.
Blackwelder R.F. Hot-Wire and Hot-Film Anemometers / Methods of Experimental Physics. Volume 18. Fluid Dynamics. Part A (edited by R.J.Emrich).- Academic Press, 1981.- P.259-314.
Bruun H.H. Interpretation of Hot-Wire Probe Signals in Subsonic Airflows // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1979.- Vol.12.- No.12.- P.1116-1128.
Comte-Bellot G. Hot-Wire Anemometry // Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics.- 1976.- Vol.8.- P.209-231.
Брэдшоу П. Введение в турбулентность и ее измерение.- М.: Мир, 1974.- 278 с.
Corrsin S. Turbulence: Experimental Methods / Encyclopedia of Physics. Volume VIII/2. Fluid Dynamics II. Part A (edited by S.Fluegge). - Springer-Verlag, 1963.- P.524-590.
Хинце И.О. Турбулентность: ее механизм и теория.- М.: Государственное издательство физико-математической литературы, 1963.- 680 с.
Grant H.P., Kronauer R.E. Fundamentals of Hot-Wire Anemometry / ASME Symp. on Measurements in Unsteady Flow.- 1962.- Pp.44-53.
Конструкция и изготовление термоанемометрической аппаратуры и проволочных датчиков
Khine S.M., Houra T., Tagawa M. An Adaptive Response Compensation Technique for the Constant-Current Hot-Wire Anemometer // Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics.- 2013.- Vol.3.- P.95-108.

Birch D.M., Morrison J.F. An Innovative Low-Profile Monolithic Constant-Temperature Anemometer // Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.- 2012.- Vol.100.- No.1.- P.38-45.

Tay C.M.J., Khoo B.C., Chew Y.T. Determination of Hot-Wire Position from a Solid Wall in an Opaque Channel // Meas. Sci. Technol.- 2012.- Vol.23.- 085305.
Mikheev N.I., Molochnikov V.M., Zanko P.S., Hayrnasov K.R., Kratirov D.V. Hot-Wire Velocity Measurements without Calibration // Heat Transfer Research.- 2011.- Vol.42.- No.7.- P.645-654.
Bailey S.C.C., Kunkel G., Hultmark M., Vallikivi M., Hill J.P., Meyer K.A., Tsay C., Arnold C.B., Smits A.J. Turbulence Measurements Using a Nanoscale Thermal Anemometry Probe // J. Fluid Mech.- 2010.- Vol.663.- P.160-179.
Mangalam A.S., Mangalam S.M. Temperature-Compensating Sensor System / US Patent No.7,653,502 B2.- Jan.26, 2010.- 15 pp.

- Кузнецов Д.Н., Украинский Ю.Д., Морозов А.А. Особенности градуировки термоанемометров с нестационарным режимом разогрева термочувствительного элемента // Радиоэлектронные и компьютерные системы.- 2008.- Vol.3.- P.23-27.

Weiss J.L., Chokani N., Comte-Bellot G. Constant-Temperature and Constant-Voltage Anemometer Use in a Mach 2.5 Flow // AIAA Journal.- 2005.- Vol.43.- P.1140-1143.
Eguti C.C.A., Vieira E.D.R. Development of a Basic Circuit of a Hot-Wire Anemometer / Proceedings of the 10 Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering - ENCIT 2004 - ABCM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2004.- 9 p.

Chokani N. Calibration and Optimization of Constant Voltage Hot-Wire Anemometer in Hypersonic Flows / Final Technical Report.- North Caroline State University.- 2003.- 54 pp.
Weiss J., Knauss H., Wagner S., Chokani N., Comte-Bellot G., Kosinov A. Comparative Measurements in M=2.54 Flow Using Constant-Temperature and Constant-Voltage Anemometery / 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 2003.- No.1277.- 18 p.
Comte-Bellot G., Sarma G. Constant Voltage Anemometer Practice in Supersonic Flows // AIAA Journal.- 2001.- Vol.39.- P.261-270.
Kielbasa J. Application of Double Hot-Wire Anemometer for the Detection of the Flow Reversal / Proceedings of SPIE.- 2001.- Vol.4516.- P.66-77.
Ligeza P. A Modified Temperature-Compensation Circuit for CTA // Meas. Sci. Technol.- 1998.- Vol.9.- P.452-457.
Erm L.P. Modifications to a Constant-Temperature Hot-Wire Anemometer System to Measure Higher-Order Turbulence Terms Using Digital Signal Processing / Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Australia, DSTO-TR-0506.- 1997.- 29 p.

Ligrani P.M., Westphal R.V., Lemos F.R. Fabrication and Testing of Subminiature Multi-Sensor Hot-Wire Probes // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1989.- Vol.22.- P.262-268.
Ligrani P.M., Bradshaw P. Subminiature Hot-Wire Sensors: Development and Use // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1987.- Vol.20.- P.323-332.
Peattie R. A Simple, Low-Drift Circuit for Measuring Temperatures in Fluids // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1987.- Vol.20.- P.565-567.
Itsweire E.C., Helland K.N. A High-Performance Low-Cost Constant-Temperature Hot-Wire Anemometer // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1983.- Vol.16.- No.6.- Pp.549.
Hembling D. Tune in the Wind - a Do-It-Yourself Hot-Wire Anemometer // 73 Magazine.- 1980.- November.- P.80-84.
Tavoularis S. A Circuit for the Measurement of Instantaneous Temperature in Heated Turbulent Flows // J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.- 1978.- Vol.11.- P.21-23.
Sheih C.M., Tennekes H., Lumley J.L. Further Studies on the Wyngaard-Lumley Anemometer // J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.- 1970.- Vol.3.- No.12.- P.1023-1025.
Hauptmann E.G. A Simple Hot Wire Anemometer Probe // J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.- 1968.- Vol.1.- P.874-875.
Wyngaard J.C., Sheih C.M. Further Studies of the Constant Temperature Hot-Wire Anemometer // J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.- 1968.- Series 2.- Vol.1.- P.61-62.
Wyngaard J.C., Lumley J.L. A Constant Temperature Hot-Wire Anemometer // J. Sci. Instrum.- 1967.- Vol.44.- P.363-365.
Potter R.C. The Hot Wire Anemometer / Wyle Laboratories Technical Report WR 64-8.- 1964.- 63 p.
Kovasznay L.S.G. Development of Turbulence-Measuring Equipment / NACA Technical Note 2839.- 1953.- 86 p.

Lowell H.H. Design and Applications of Hot-Wire Anemometers for Steady-State Measurements at Transonic and Supersonic Airspeeds / NACA Technical Note 2117.- 1950.- 109 p.

Seyferlich W.M. A New Thermo-Electric Fluid-Meter and Hot-Wire Anemometer / BSc thesis.- Armour Institute of Technology.- 1921.- 293 p.

Градуировка термоанемометрических датчиков скорости
Heyd R., Hadaoui A., Fliyou M., Koumina A., El Hassani Ameziane L., Outzourhit A., Saboungi M.-L. Development of absolute hot-wire anemometry by the 3ω method // Review of Scientific Instruments.- 2010.- Vol.81.- No.044901.- 6 p.
Tutkun M., George W.K., Foucaut J.M., Coudert S., Stanislas M., Delville J. In Situ Calibration of Hot Wire Probes in Turbulent Flows // Experiments in Fluids.- 2009.- Vol.46.- Pp.617-629.
Durst F., Haddad K., Al-Salaymeh A., Shadi Eid, Uensal B. Mass Flow-Rate Control Unit to Calibrate Hot-Wire Sensors // Exp. Fluids.- 2008.- Vol.44.- Pp.189-187.
Johnstone A., Uddin M., Pollard A. Calibration of Hot-Wire Probes Using Non-Uniform Mean Velocity Profiles // Experiments in Fluids.- 2005.- Vol.39.- Pp.525-532.
Reimann C.A. Calibration Methods for a Constant Voltage Anemometer-Operated Hot-Wire in a Hypersonic Flow / MSc thesis.- North Caroline State University.- 2003.- 92 pp.

Reimann C.A., Sarma G., Chokani N. Improved Calibration Methods for a CVA-Operated Hot-Wire in Hypersonic Flow / 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 2003.- No.976.- 13 pp.
Truzzi G.E., Sarma G.R., Chokani N. Constant Voltage Anemometer Operated Hot Wire at Subsonic Speeds over Wide Overheats in Unsteady Flows // Rev. Sci. Instrum.- 2002.- Vol.73.- Pp.4363-4368.
Tewari S.S., Jaluria Y. Calibration of Constant-Temperature Hot-Wire Anemometers for Very Low Velocities in Air // Rev. Sci. Instrum.- 1990.- Vol.61.- No.12.- P.3834-3845.
George W.K., Beuther P.D., Shabbir A. Polynomial calibrations for hot wires in thermally varying flows // Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science.- 1989.- Vol.2.- No.2.- P.230-235.

Bruun H.H., Khan M.A., Al-Kayiem H.H., Fardad A.A. Velocity Calibration Relationships for Hot-Wire Anemometry // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1988.- Vol.21.- Pp.225-232.
Swaminathan M.K., Bacic R., Rankin G.W., Sridhar K. Improved Calibration of Hot-Wire Anemometers // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1983.- Vol.16.- Pp.335-338.
Kirchhoff R.H., Safarik R.R. Turbulence Calibration of a Hot-Wire Anemometer // AIAA J.- 1974.- Vol.12.- No.5.- P.710-711.
Andrews G.A., Bradley D., Hundy G.F. Hot Wire Anemometer Calibration for Measurements of Small Gas Velocities // Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer.- 1972.- Vol.15.- P.1765-1786.
Freymuth P. Hot-Wire Anemometer Thermal Calibration Errors // Instr. and Contr. Systems.- 1970.- Vol.43.- P.82-83.
Dring R.P., Gebhart B. Hot-Wire Anemometer Calibration for Measurements at Very Low Velocity // Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Heat Transfer.- 1969.- Vol.91.- No.2.- P.241-244.
Измерения скорости при меняющейся температуре потока
Nikolay I. Miheev N.I., Molochnikov V.M., Kratirov D.V., Hayrnasov K.R., Zanko P.S. Hot-Wire Measurements with Automatic Compensation of Ambient Temperature Changes // Thermal Science.- 2015.- Vol.19.- No.2.- P.509-520.

Khamshah N., Abdalla A.N., Ibrahim M.T., Rifai D., Wahid S.R. Temperature Compensation of Hot Wire Mass Air Flow Sensor by Using Fuzzy Temperature Compensation Scheme // Scientific Research and Essays.- 2013.- Vol.8.- P.178-188.

Malizia F. A Numerical Study of Temperature Effects on Hot Wires Measurements in Turbulent Channel Flows / MSc. thesis.- 2012.- Universita di Bologna.- 113 p.

Khamshah N., Abdalla A.N., Koh S.P., Rashag H.F. Issues and Temperature Compensation Techniques for Hot Wire Thermal Flow Sensor: A Review // International Journal of the Physical Sciences.- 2011.- Vol.6.- P.3270-3278.

Que R.Y., Zhu R., Wei Q.Z., Cao Z. Temperature Compensation for Thermal Anemometers Using Temperature Sensors Independent of Flow Sensors // Meas. Sci. Technol.- 2011.- Vol.22.- 085404.- 5 p.
Hultmark M., Smits A.J. Temperature Corrections for Constant Temperature and Constant Current Hot-Wire Anemometers // Meas. Sci. Technol.- 2010.- Vol.21.- 105404.
Ndoye M., Delville J., Heitz D., Arroyo G. Parameterizable Constant Temperature Anemometer: A New Method for the Analysis of Velocity–Temperature Coupling in Turbulent Heat Transfer // Measurement Science and Technology.- 2010.- Vol.21.- No.7.- 12 p.
Sosna C., Buchner R., Lang W. A Temperature Compensation Circuit for Thermal Flow Sensors Operated in Constant-Temperature-Difference Mode // IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.- 2010.- Vol.59.- No.6.- P.1715-1721.
Ardekani M.A., Farhani F. Experimental Study on Response of Hot Wire and Cylindrical Hot Film Anemometers Operating under Varying Fluid Temperatures // Flow Measurement and Instrumentation.- Vol.20.- Issues 4-5.- August-October 2009.- Pp.174-179.
Sarrazin J., Rodier P., Tivey M.K., Singh H., Schultz A., Sarradin P.M. A Dual Sensor Device to Estimate Fluid Flow Velocity at Diffuse Hydrothermal Vents // Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.- 2009.- Vol.56.- No.11.- P.2065-2074.

Al-Salaymeh A., Ashhab M.S. Modeling of the Response of a Hot-Wire Anemometer with Neural Nets under Various Air Densities // Sensors and Transducers Journal.- 2007.- Vol.84.- No.10.- P.1590-1606.

Lundstrom H., Sandberg M., Mosfegh B. Temperature Dependence of Convective Heat Transfer from Fine Wires in Air: A Comprehensive Experimental Investigation with Application to Temperature Compensation in Hot-Wire Anemometry // Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science.- 2007.- Vol.32.- P.649-657.
Ndoye M., Heitz D., Fourment C., Arroyo G., Delville J. Parameterizable Constant Temperature Anemometer for Simultaneous Velocity and Temperature Measurements in Turbulent Flows / Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Lyon, July 2007.- ISAIF8-00122.- 2007.- 10 p.

Foss J.F., Peabody J.A., Norconk M.J., Lawrenz A.R. Ambient Temperature and Free Stream Turbulence Effects on the Thermal Transient Anemometer // Meas. Sci. Technol.- 2006.- Vol.17.- Pp.2519-2526.
Dijk A., Nieuwstadt F.T.M. The Calibration of (Multi-) Hot-Wire Probes. 1. Temperature Calibration // Experiments in Fluids.- 2004.- Vol.36.- Pp.540-549.
Dijk A., Nieuwstadt F.T.M. The Calibration of (Multi-) Hot-Wire Probes. 2. Velocity Calibration // Experiments in Fluids.- 2004.- Vol.36.- Pp.550-564.
Kielbasa J. Single-Wire Thermal Anemometer with Temperature Compensation / Proceedings of SPIE.- 2003.- Vol.5124.- P.199-202.
Loureiro J.B.R., Freire A.P.S. A Comparative Study of Hot/Cold Wire Anemometer Data Reduction / Proceedings of COBEM 2003. 17th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, November 10-14, 2003, Sao Paulo.- 2003.- 0367.- 8 p.

Moro J.P., Vukoslavčević P.V., Blet V. A Method to Calibrate a Hot-Wire X-Probe for Applications in Low-Speed, Variable-Temperature Flow // Measurement Science and Technology.- 2003.- Vol.14.- No.7.- P.1054-1062.
Benjamin S.F., Roberts C.A. Measuring Flow Velocity at Elevated Temperature with a Hot-Wire Anemometer Calibrated in Cold Flow // Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.- 2002.- Vol.45.- Pp.703-706.
Sarma G.R., Comte-Bellot G. Automated Constant Voltage Anemometer for Measurements with Fluid Temperature Drifts // Review of Scientific Instruments.- 2002.- Vol.73.- No.3.- Pp.1313-1317.
Vukoslavcevic P.V., Wallace J.M. The Simultaneous Measurement of Velocity and Temperature in Heated Turbulent Air Flow Using Thermal Anemometry // Measurement Science and Technology.- 2002.- Vol.13.- No.10.- Pp.1615-1624.
Weiss J., Knauss H., Wagner S. On the Total Temperature Sensitivity of Constant-Temperature Hot-Wire Anemometers / Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research (ICMAR), Novosibirsk, Russia, 2002.
Ferreira R.P.C., Freire R.C.S., Deep C.S., de Rocha Neto J.S., Oliveira A. Hot-Wire Anemometer with Temperature Compensation Using Only One Sensor // IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.- 2001.- Vol.50.- No.4.- Pp.954-958.
Ball S.J., Ashforth-Frost S., Jambunathan K., Whitney C.F. Appraisal of a Hot-Wire Temperature Compensation Technique for Velocity Measurements in Non-Isothermal Flows // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.- 1999.- Vol.42.- No.16.- Pp.3097-3102.
Oliveira A., Freire R.C.S., Deep G.S. Compensation of the Fluid Temperature Variation in a Hot-Wire Anemometer / Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1997. IMTC/97. Proceedings. Sensing, Processing, Networking., IEEE.- Vol.2.- Pp.1377-1380.
Papanicolaou P.N., Papaspyros J.N.E., Kastrinakis E.G., Nychas S.G. A Fast Digital Technique for Calibration of Hot-Wires over a Wide Temperature Range // Meas. Sci. Technol.- 1997.- Vol.8.- P.1363-1366.
Lee S.P., Kim J.I., Kauh S. Temperature Compensation of Hot-Wire Anemometer with Photoconductive Cell // Experiments in Fluids.- 1995.- Vol.19.- P.362-365.
Finaish F., Sauer H.J., Jr. Air Density Correction Procedures for Common Velocity Measurements Instruments / ASHRAE Research Project RP-698.- 1994.- 125 p.
Cardell G. A Note on the Temperature-Dependent Hot-Wire Calibration Method of Cimbala and Park // Experiments in Fluids.- 1993.- Vol.14.- No.4.- P.283-285.
Boman U.R. Hot-Wire Calibration over a Large Temperature Range // Experiments in Fluids.- 1992.- Vol.12.- No.6.- Pp.427-428.
Kostka M., Vasanta Ram V. On the Effects of Fluid Temperature on Hot Wire Characteristics. Part 1: Results of Experiments // Experiments in Fluids.- 1992.- Vol.13.- No.2-3.- Pp.155-162.
Vasanta Ram V. On the Effects of Fluid Temperature on Hot Wire Characteristics. Part 2: Foundations of a Rational Theory // Experiments in Fluids.- 1992.- Vol.13.- No.4.- Pp.267-278.
Meyer L. Calibration of a Three-Wire Probe for Measurements in Nonisothermal Flow // Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science.- 1992.- Vol.5.- P.260-267.
Savostenko P.I. A Method of Making a Constant-Temperature Thermoanemometer Independent of the Environmental Temperature // Measurement Techniques.- 1991.- Vol.34.- No.5.- P.474-479.
Cimbala J.M., Park W.J. A Direct Hot-Wire Calibration Technique to Account for Ambient Temperature Drift in Incompressible Flow // Experiments in Fluids.- 1990.- Vol.8.- P.299-300.
Thuenker R., Nitsche W., Swoboda M. Hot-Wire, Hot-Film and Surface Hot-Film Applications in Strongly Temperature Loaded Flows / ICIASF '89 - International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities, 13th, Goettingen, Federal Republic of Germany, Sept. 18-21, 1989.- Pp.434-442.
Bowers Jr. C.G., Willits D.H., Bowen H.D. Comparison of Temperature Correction Methods for Hot Wire Anemometers // Transactions of the ASAE.- 1988.- Vol.31(5).- P.1552-1555.
Savostenko P.I., Serbin S.P. Hot-Wire Anemometer Invariant to Temperature of the Medium // Measurement Techniques.- 1988.- Vol.31.- No.12.- P.1174-1178.
Abdel-Rahman A., Tropea C., Slawson P., Strong A. On Temperature Compensation in Hot-Wire Anemometry // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1987.- Vol.20.- No.3.- P.315-319.
Shibl A. Empirical Expression for Hot Wire with Corrections for Temperature Drift // Heat and Mass Transfer.- 1987.- Vol.21.- No.6.- P.329-332.
Takagi S.A Hot-Wire Anemometer Compensated for Ambient Temperature Variations // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1986.- Vol.19.- Pp.739.
Bremhorst K. Effect of Fluid Temperature on Hot-Wire Anemometers and an Improved Method of Temperature Compensation and Linearisation without Use of Small Signal Sensitivities // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1985.- Vol.18.- No.1.- Pp.44-49.
Dekeyser I., Launder B.E. A Comparison of Triple-Moment Temperature-Velocity Correlations in the Asymmetric Heated Jet with Alternative Closure Models / Turbulent Shear Flows 4 (edited by L.J.S. Bradbury et al.).- Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidlberg, 1985.- Pp.102-117.
Levitskii V.N., Repik E.U., Sosedko Yu.P. Influence of the Temperature of a Flow on the Readings of a Hot-Wire Anemometer // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics.- 1985.- Vol.49.- No.3.- Pp.1013-1018.
Lemieux G., Oosthuizen P.H. A Simple Approach to the Compensation of Constant Temperature Hot-Wire Anemometers for Fluid Temperature Fluctuations / Proc. 30th Int. Instrumentation Symp., Denver, Colorado, May 7-10, 1984.- P.277-282.
Kiril'tsev V.T., Motulevich V.P., Sergievskii E.D. Effect of Averaged Flow Temperature on Readings of a Hot-Wire Anemometer // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics.- 1982.- Vol.42.- No.4.- Pp.431-435.
Кирильцев В.Т., Мотулевич В.П. Сергиевский Э.Д. Термоанемометр с автоматической компенсацией изменения температуры потока // Инженерно-физический журнал.- 1982.- Т.42.- №4.- С.622-627.
Champagne F.H. The Temperature Sensitivity of Hot Wires / Proc. Dynamic Flow Conf. (edited by B.W.Hansen), Marseille.- 1978.- Pp.101-114.
Fiedler H. On Data Acquisition in Heated Turbulent Flows / Proc. Dynamic Flow Conf. (edited by B.W.Hansen), Marseille.- 1978.- Pp.81-100.
Fulachier L. Hot-Wire Measurements in Low Speed Heated Flow / Proc. Dynamic Flow Conf. (edited by B.W.Hansen), Marseille.- 1978.- Pp.465-487.
Keffer J.F., Budny R.S., Kawall J.G. Digital Technique for the Simultaneous Measurement of Velocity and Temperature // Rev. Sci. Instrum.- 1978.- Vol.49.- Pp.1343-1346.
Drubka R.E., Tan-atichat J., Nagib H.M. Analysis of Temperature Compensating Circuits for Hot-Wires and Hot-Films // DISA Information.- 1977.- Vol.22.- Pp.5-14.
Koppius A.M., Trines G.R.M. The Dependence of Hotwire Calibration on Gas Temperature at Low Reynolds Numbers // Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.- 1976.- Vol.19.- No.9.- P.967-974.
Ali S.F. Hot-Wire Anemometry in Moderately Heated Flow // Review of Scientific Instruments.- 1975.- Vol.46.- Pp.185-191.
Bruun H.H. On the Temperature Dependence of Constant Temperature Hotwire Probes with Small Wire Aspect Ratio // J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.- 1975.- Vol.8.- No.11.- P.942-951.
Pessoni D.H, Chao B.T. A Simple Technique for Turbulence Measurements in Nonisothermal Air Flows / Proc. 5th Int. Heat Transfer Conf., Tokyo, (ISME).- 1974.- P.278-282.
Samuel A.E. The Correction of Hot Wire Measurements for Fluid Temperature Variation / Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Conference on Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 9-13, 1974.- P.368-375.

Kanevce G., Oka S. Correcting Hot-Wire Readings for Influence of Fluid Temperature Variations // DISA Information.- October 1973.- No.15.- P.21-24.
Sakao F. Constant Temperature Hot Wires for Determining Velocity Fluctuations in an Air Flow Accompanied by Temperature Fluctuations // J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.- 1973.- Vol.6.- Pp.913-916.
Hollasch K., Gebhart B. Calibration of Constant-Temperature Hot-Wire Anemometers at Low Velocities in Water with Variable Fluid Temperature // ASME J. Heat Transf.- 1972.- Vol.94.- Pp.17-22.
Koch F.A., Gartshore I.S. Temperature Effects on Hot Wire Anemometer Calibrations // J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.- 1972.- Vol.5.- P.58-61.
Chevray R., Tutu N.K. Simultaneous Measurements of Temperature and Velocity in Heated Flows // Review of Scientific Instruments.- 1972.- Vol.43.- Pp.1417-1421.
Artt D.W., Brown A. The Simultaneous Measurement of Velocity and Temperature // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- Vol.4.- No.1.- 1971.- P.72-74.
Corrsin S. I. Extended Applications of the Hot-Wire Anemometer. II. Investigations of the Flow in Round, Turbulent Jets // PhD thesis.- 1947.- California Institute of Technology.- 154 p.

Измерения конвективного теплообмена нагретой нити
Laurantzon F., Tillmark N., Alfredsson P.H. What Does the Hot-Wire Measure? / Laurantzon F. Flow Measurements Related to Gas Exchange Applications.- Technical Reports from Royal Institute of Technology KTH Mechanics, Stockholm, Sweden.- 2012.- P.185-197.

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Hardy J.E., Hylton J.O., McKnight T.E. Empirical Correlations for Thermal Flowmeters Covering a Wide Range of Thermal-Physical Properties / National Conference of Standards Labs (NCSL) 1999 Workshop and Symposium, Charlotte, NC, July 19-22, 1999.- 14 p.

Stengele F.R., Rath H.J. Influence of Free Convection on the Heat Transfer from Hot-Wire Probes // Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung.- 1994.- Vol.29.- P.299-307.
Nishioka M., Asai M. A New Approximate Expression for the Response of a Hot-Wire Anemometer // J. Fluid Mech.- 1988.- Vol.190.- P.113-119.
Pitts W.M., McCaffrey B.J. Response Behaviour of Hot Wires and Films to Flows of Different Gases // J. Fluid Mech.- 1986.- Vol.169.- P.465-512.
Swaminathan M.K., Rankin G.W., Sridhar K. A Note on the Response Equations for Hot-Wire Anemometry // Journal of Fluids Engineering.- 1986.- Vol.108.- P.115-118.
Christman P.J., Podzimek J. Hot-Wire Anemometer Behaviour in Low Velocity Air Flow // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1981.- Vol.14.- No.1.- Pp.46-51.
Churchill S.W., Bernstein M. A Correlating Equation for Forced Convection from Gases and Liquids to a Circular Cylinder in Crossflow // Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Heat Transfer.- 1977.- Vol.99.- Pp.300-306.
Morrison G.L. Errors in Heat Transfer Laws for Constant Temperature Hot Wire Anemometers // Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments.- 1976.- Vol.9.- P.50-52.
Nakai S., Okazaki T. Heat Transfer from a Horizontal Circular Wire at Small Reynolds and Grashof Numbers - I. Pure Convection // Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer.- 1975.- Vol.18.- P.387-396.
Morrison G.L. Effects of Fluid Property Variations on the Response of Hot-Wire Anemometers // J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.- 1974.- Vol.7.- No.6.- P.434-436.
Bradbury L.J.S., Castro I.P. Some Comments on Heat-Transfer Laws for Fine Wires // J. Fluid Mech.- 1972.- Vol.51.- No.3.- P.487-495.
Davis M.R., Davies P.O.A.L. Factors Influencing the Heat Transfer from Cylindrical Anemometer Probes // Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer.- 1972.- Vol.15.- Pp.1659-1677.
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Wood W.W. Free and Forced Convection from Fine Hot Wires // J. Fluid Mech.- 1972.- Vol.55.- No.3.- P.419-438.
Bruun H.H. Interpretation of a Hot Wire Signal Using a Universal Calibration Law // J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.- 1971.- Vol.4.- P.225-231.
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Viteri M.A. Experimental Determination of the Average Heat Transfer Coefficient for Yaw Cylinders / MSc thesis.- 1969.- Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif.- 82 p.

Wiggins E.G. An Investigation of the Use of the Hot-Wire Anemometer in Non-Isothermal Air Flow / MSc thesis.- 1969.- Purdue University.- 87 p.

Wood W.W. Calculations for Anemometry with Fine Hot Wires // J. Fluids Mech.- 1968.- Vol.32.- Part 1.- P.9-19.
Champagne F.H., Sleicher C.A., Wehrmann O.H. Turbulence Measurements with Inclined Hot-Wires Part 1. Heat Transfer Experiments with Inclined Hot-Wire // J. Fluids Mech.- 1967.- Vol.28.- Part 1.- P.153-175.
Richardson P.D. Convection from Heated Wires at Moderate and Low Reynolds Numbers // AIAA J.- 1965.- Vol.3.- No.3.- Pp.537-538.
Davies P.O.A.L., Fisher M.J. Heat Transfer From Electrically Heated Cylinders // Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences.- Vol.280.- No.1383 (Aug. 11, 1964).- Pp. 486-527.
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Baldwin L.V., Sandborn V.A., Laurence J.C. Heat Transfer from Transverse and Yawed Cylinders in Continuum, Slip, and Free Molecule Air Flows // Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Heat Transfer.- 1960.- Vol.82.- No.2.- P.77-86.
Collis D.C., Williams M.J. Two-Dimensional Convection from Heated Wires at Low Reynolds Numbers // J. Fluid Mech.- 1959.- Vol.6.- P.357-384.
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van der Zijnen H.B.G. Modified Correlation Formulae for the Heat Transfers by Natural and by Forced Convection from Horizontal Cylinders // Appl. Sci. Res.- 1956.- Sec.A.- Vol.6.- P.129-140.
Douglas W.J.M., Churchill S.W. Recorrelation of Data for Convective Heat-Transfer between Cases and Single Cylinders with Large Temperature Differences / Prepaper for Limited Distribution by the College of Engineering Industry Program IP-110 (To be Presented in Louisville, Kentucky at the March 22, 1955 Meeting of the AIChE).- 1955.- 14 p.

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Gibson A.H. Heat Dissipation from the Surfaces of Pipes and Cylinders in an Air Current // Philosophical Magazine Series 6.- 1924.- Vol.47.- No.278.- Pp.324-336.
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Hughes J.A. On the Cooling of Cylinders in a Stream of Air // Philosophical Magazine Series 6.- 1916.- Vol.31.- Pp.118-130.
Rayleigh The Principle of Similitude // Nature.- March 18, 1915.- Vol.95.- No.2368.- P.66-68.
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Rayleigh The Principle of Similitude // Nature.- August 12, 1915.- Vol.95.- No.2380.- P.644.
Kennelly A.E., Sanborn H.S. The Influence of Atmospheric Pressure upon the Forced Thermal Convection from Small Electrically Heated Platinum Wires // Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.- 1914.- Vol.LIII.- P.55-77.
King L.V. On the Convection of Heat from Small Cylinders in a Stream of Fluid: Determination of the Convection Constants of Small Platinum Wires with Applications to Hot-Wire Anemometry // Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A.- 1914.- Vol.214.- P.373-432.
Kennelly A.E., Wright C.A., Van Bylevelt J.S. The Convection of Heat from Small Copper Wires // Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.- 1909.- Vol.28.- No.1.- P.363-393.
Russell A. The Convection of Heat from a Body Cooled by a Stream of Fluid // Proceedings of the Physical Society of London.- 1909.- Vol.22.- P.432.
Отвод тепла от термоанемометрической нити в ножки датчика
Hultmark M., Ashok A., Smits A.J. A New Criterion for End-Conduction Effects in Hot-Wire Anemometry // Meas. Sci. Technol.- 2011.- Vol.22.- 055401.- 5 p.
Li J.D., McKeon B.J., Jiang W., Morrison J.F., Smits A.J. The Response of Hot Wires in High Reynolds-Number Turbulent Pipe Flow // Meas. Sci. Technol.- 2004.- Vol.15.- P.789-798.
Gessner F.B., Moller G.L. Response Behaviour of Hot Wires in Shear Flow // J. Fluid Mech.- 1971.- Vol.47.- Part 3.- P.449-468.
Kennelly A.E., Shepard E.R. The Heating of Copper Wires by Electric Currents // Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.- 1907.- Vol.26.- No.2.- P.969-995.
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